written by: Rick Hopkins / rick@sottc.com
last modified: 2002.10.16
...This is my first script submission to any site I would really enjoy feedback.
...If I messed something up royally, take it easy on me, I am new to all this
...Thanks for your interest
error_handling.php - custom error handling
error_log.txt - file to which errors are written
baseclass.php - custom debugging class
db_object.php - database abstraction layer (currently only supports INFORMIX)
test_run.php - page which tests out the previously mentioned files
...This page sets error_reporting to self reporting and creates a custom error handling function.
...It creates a message and emails it to the administrator, and displays a custom error to the user.
...Message includes information like the error type, number, filename, line#, and GLOBALS $HTTP_HOST,
...Uses the error_log.txt to store error messages
...Currently only reports error types 2 - Warning, 8 - Notice, 256 - User_Error, 512 - User_Warning, 1024 - User_Notice
...Checks to see if Global Variable $DIE is set to 1: kills script immediately upon discovering error
... (dependant upon $BETA = 0)
***User Email Must Be Set in The Email Portion:
...This file sets up two GLOBAL variables:
...$DEBUG when set to 1 (done at the top of whatever page needs to be debugged), will display custom
... debug text for each action that is taken in subsequent classes such as db_object
***No Setup Needed
...This file handles all database activity, from connection to close
...Also contains functions to return the status of db connection
...Will eventually handle more than db types, but for now only takes informix::ADDED ODBC CONNECTIVITY
...Change $db_type variable to INFORMIX or ODBC based on which is needed
...(it would be really easy to add them in if you want to take some initiative yourself)
***In function db_object() the variables db_type, db_string, db_user, db_password must all be set up
...If you would like to see baseclass.php in action set $DEBUG = 1
...If you would like to see error_handling.php in action set $BETA = 1 and screw something up major like
... the database connection script
...If you have $BETA = 0, and want the script to die immediately after discovering error, set $DIE = 1;
...After receiving an error check the error_log.txt file to ensure that the errors are being recorded correctly
***No Setup Needed