require_once 'fEntity.php';
* Basic example of how to use fEntity (File Entity) class
* First we need class that will extend our fEntity.
class ExampleEntity extends fEntity
* Primary key field holds value that represents
* name of primary key.
* Primary key is used for method fEntity::get
* @var string
protected $primaryKey = 'firstName';
* getName is required method.
* It is used to get entity's name
* @return string
public function getName()
return 'example';
* Entity acts same as stdClass, so it means that properties that we want to store
* doesn't need to be defined in class itself.
* Only property that presents fEntity::$primaryKey MUST be defined.
* Holds empty instance of ExampleEntity class
* that we will use to test our fEntity
* @var ExampleEntity
$entity = new ExampleEntity();
// Set one property
$entity->firstName = 'First';
// Set another propety
$entity->lastName = 'Last';
* Trigger save - save will create encoded file
* in directory that is defined in fEntity class
* In case that entity already exists
* default action is "do nothing", but if we
* pass firts parameter of fEntity::save as true
* or positive value - it will overwrite existing
* Using fEntity::get(value) we fetch our file entity
* it will use fEntity::$primaryKey to map with get() value
// More updates comming soon
// Next release will allow multiple criteria
// better storing system