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Simple CRUD with MySQL 2: Output SQL and CRUD forms based on remoteDB class

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crud-class 4GNU General Publi...5HTML, PHP 5, Databases


This class can generate SQL and CRUD forms based on remoteDB class.

It is a class derived from the original work by Mahboobz. This version was improved in the following ways:

Version 4:
Update: replaced irp_commonSQL.php (obsolete) with common_pdo.php

Version 3:
- Added 2 more callback: before_save(), before_updated()
- Tested on Master-detail tables: see example pages
- Tested on view tables.

Version 3: added 2 new hooks, and master->detail capability
added 2 functions: setEdit() and setDelete() to control buttons
Version 2:
- Added $this->index array to store one or more PK names (in place of one pre-defined PK='id')
- Added get_where(), get_hidden($record) to handle multiple PKs
- Added optional hook and callback to customize the CRUD page:
1) special input fields: select, radio... (crud_get_input)
2) special edit fields: select, radio... (crud_get_edit)
3) special show fields: links, references... (crud_get_show)
4) more actions in table (crud_action_hook)
- Added 3 static utility: make_select, make_radio and make_checkbox for input/edit fields
- Added CONFIRM to delete
- Added $extrasql parameter to renderVertically(), to extend the basic sql: "SELECT * FROM ".$this->table
- Cosmetic minor variations, use of css file (in: remoteDB/css/style.css)

Picture of Marco Sillano
  Performance   Level  
Name: Marco Sillano <contact>
Classes: 4 packages by
Country: Italy Italy
Age: ???
All time rank: 201279 in Italy Italy
Week rank: 53 Up3 in Italy Italy Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x

Winner: 1x


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master detail form read create edit delete forms
i want to create add records into a master detail form


require_once (

if (isset(
$_GET['id_cliente'])){ // CHANGE: here the PK
$_POST = $_GET; // POST/GET compatible
'<html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF_8" http-equiv="content-type">';
echo "<h1> Tavola <b>Clienti</b>: <i>add/edit/delete records</i></h1>";// CHANGE: page Title

echo "<div class='note' align='center'>
Questa tabella definisce i vari attributi dei <b>clienti</b>.
; // CHANGE: intro boz
//-------------------------------------------------- CALLBACKS (if required)
// callbacks use examples:
//callback for show fields (view)
function crud_get_show($field, $value) {
    $code = $value; // general case
// custom special cases:
  // change id_user on
   if ($field == 'id_user'){
            $code = sqlValue("SELECT name FROM users WHERE $field = $value");
 // to center value in cell
   if ($field == 'unit'){
            $code = "<CENTER>$value</CENTER>";
  return $code;
// callback for input fields (new)
function crud_get_input($field){
  $code = "$field: <input type='text' name='$field' /><br>"; // general case
  // custom special cases
 // choose id_user from a list
  if ($field == 'id_user'){
       $code = crudClass::make_select($field, "SELECT id_user, name FROM users order by name"); // list
// date input field
  if ($field == 'arrival'){
     $code = "$field: <input type='date' name='$field' /><br>";
  return $code;
//callback for input fields (edit)
function crud_get_edit($field, $value){
  $code = "$field: <input type='text' name='$field' value='$value' /><br>"; // general case
   // custom special cases
  // make id_town field readonly
  if ($field == 'id_town'){
         "$field: <input type='text' name='$field' value='$value' readonly /><br>";
  // use radio buttons for ENUM:
  if ($field == 'unita_misura'){
         $optionlist= 'Kg,Nr.';
         $code = crudClass::make_radio($field, $optionlist, $value); // radio

   return $code;
//callback add action (view)
function crud_action_hook($record){
 // ad action button 'test_user'
    $code = "<td><form action='test_user.php' mode='POST'>";
    $code .= "<input type='hidden' name='id_user' value=".$record['id_user'].">";
    $code .= "<input type='submit' name='test_user' value='USER TEST'></form></td>";
    return $code;
//callback before create (new)
function before_create($values){
// $values[2] is three times $values[1]
    $values[2]= 3 * $values[1] ;
return $values;
function before_update($strings){
// note: strings are like: $strings[2] => "`id_user` = '16'"
// make id_user = 22
  $forced = 22;
  $strings[2]="`id_user` = '$forced'";
return $strings;

// -------------------------------------------------- END CALLBACKS

$crud = new crudClass('clienti','ragione_sociale,piva,cf,indirizzo,cap,id_citta,contatto,telefono,fax,email,destinazione,indirizzo2,cap2,id_citta2,telefono2,commissione,note','id_cliente' );// CHANGE: Initiate the class with table information: table-name, fields, pk

// ================= don't change
if (isset($_POST['submit'])){
$create_sql = $crud->create();//Fetch INSERT query
if (isset(
$update_sql = $crud->update();//Fetch UPDATE query
if (isset(
$delete_sql = $crud->delete();//Fetch DELETE query
// -------------
if (isset($_POST['edit'])){
// edit
echo "<div class='note' align='right'>";
$crud->renderEditor();//Prepare data edit form
echo '</div>' ;
    } else {
// or insert
echo "<div class='note' align='right'>";
$crud->create_form();//Prepare data entry form
echo '</div>';
// table
 // =============== don't change ends
echo $crud->renderVertically(' ORDER BY `ragione_sociale`');// CHANGE: for WHERE or ORDER or LIMIT

echo '<hr><center> <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)"><<< back </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="index.html">home</a> </center><br>'; // CHANGE: end page menu
echo "</body></html>";


  Files folder image Files (12)  
File Role Description
Files folder imageexamples (4 files)
Files folder imageremoteDB (2 files, 1 directory)
Accessible without login Plain text file common_pdo.php Aux. Update for commonSQL (obsolete)
Plain text file crudClass2.php Class Updated CRUDclass
Plain text file crudClass3.php Class new version master->detail
Plain text file crudClass4..php Class Update version
Accessible without login Plain text file irp_commonSQL.php Aux. old SQL common

  Files folder image Files (12)  /  examples  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file crud_basic.php Example for the user
  Accessible without login Plain text file crud_details.php Example for the user
  Accessible without login Plain text file crud_master.php Example for the user
  Accessible without login Plain text file crud_view.php Example for the user

  Files folder image Files (12)  /  remoteDB  
File Role Description
Files folder imagecss (1 file)
  Accessible without login Plain text file irp_commonSQL.php Aux. mySQL access library
  Accessible without login Plain text file irp_config.php Aux. mySQL access data

  Files folder image Files (12)  /  remoteDB  /  css  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file style.css Data CSS file

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