PHP Classes

DOM Basic: Create DOM documents in pure PHP

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Version License PHP version Categories
dom-basic 1.0BSD License5HTML, XML, PHP 5, Libraries


This package can create DOM documents in pure PHP.

It can create DOM documents with more options than the traditional DOM classes, like for instance setting the type of document to HTML, XHTML, XML, or custom document type, defining the open and close tags, etc..

Some classes use the singleton pattern, calls can be chained, and errors throw exceptions.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2015
Number 11

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
XML and HTML are used as formats to describe information structured in hierarchies, but there are other hierarchic formats used by many applications like JSON, INI, etc..

This package can define and generate hierarchic documents in XML, HTML, JSON, INI or other formats and switch between them just by changing changing some configuration values that define details like delimiter characters.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Juan Jose
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Name: Juan Jose is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Juan Jose .
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Spain Spain
Age: 53
All time rank: 4137114 in Spain Spain
Week rank: 164 Up5 in Spain Spain Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


 * File containing the Example1.php,
 * PACKAGE DOMBasic - Generation PHP FILE for demostration purpose
* @package DOMBasic
* @version 1.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Juan Jose Guerra Haba. All rights reserved.
* @license New BSD License

//$ruta=realpath( dirname(realpath( dirname(__FILE__) ) ) )."/../DOM_element.php";
//echo $ruta;

$document=new DOM_element('document');
$conf=array( "TYPE"=>"document", "DESC"=>"document DOM",

$doctype=new DOM_element("doctype");
$conf=array( "TYPE"=>"doctype", "DESC"=>"Tipo de Documento (DTD)",
$doctype->addAttrib('PUBLIC',null); //$doctype->PUBLIC=null;
        //COMENZAR UNA CLAVE POR '_null' significa un atributo sin clave (doctype) (SOLO VALOR)
$doctype->addAttrib("_null1", "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN");
$html=new DOM_element('html');
$html->addAttrib("xml:lang", $language);
$head=new DOM_element('head');
$meta1=new DOM_element("meta1");
$conf=array( "TYPE"=>"meta", "DESC"=>"meta-tag HTML",
$meta1->addAttrib("http-equiv", "Content-Type")->addAttrib("content", 'text/html; charset=utf-8');
$title=new DOM_element('title');
$title->setTag('title')->setText("ARCHIVO DE PRUEBAS PARA POO-PHP");
$link1=new DOM_element("link1");
$conf=array( "TYPE"=>"link", "DESC"=>"link-resource HTML",
$link1->addAttrib("type", "image/x-icon")->addAttrib("rel", "shortcut icon")->addAttrib("href", "favicon.png");
$link2=new DOM_element("link2");
$conf=array( "TYPE"=>"link", "DESC"=>"link-resource HTML",
$link2->addAttrib("type", "text/css")->addAttrib("rel", "stylesheet");
$link2->addAttrib("href", "");
$style1=new DOM_element("style1");
                                                      border: 1px ridge coral;
                                                      border: 1px solid gray;
                                                        box-shadow:4px 6px 8px;
                                                    img:hover{ width:84%;}"

$script1=new DOM_element("script1");
$conf=array( "TYPE"=>"link", "DESC"=>"link-resource HTML",
$script2=new DOM_element("script2");
                                                        window.addEvent(\"domready\", function() {

$head->setChildren(array($meta1, $title, $link1, $link2, $style1, $script1, $script2));
$body=new DOM_element('body');
$h1=new DOM_element('h1_1');
$h1->setText('EXAMPLE1 :: Paquete DOMBasic <br /><small style="color:#666666;">- Generaci&oacute;n de archivo HTML para prop&oacute;sitos de demostraci&oacute;n <br /><small><a href="">guerraTron - 2014</a></small></small>');
$div1=new DOM_element('div1');
$div1->setText('<hr />"El fondo de este DIV resaltará dinámicamente mediante Javascript [Mootools]"<hr />');
$div2=new DOM_element('div2');
$div2->setText('Pulsar en la primera im&aacute;gen de Lego<br />');
$img1=new DOM_element('img1');
$conf=array( "TYPE"=>"img", "DESC"=>"image-resource HTML",
"alt"=>"img1.png - Legotron 1",
"title"=>"Legotron 1",
"onclick"=>"javascript: alert('LegoTron 1');"));

$img2=new DOM_element('img2');
$conf=array( "TYPE"=>"img", "DESC"=>"image-resource HTML",
"alt"=>"img2.png - Legotron 2",
"title"=>"Legotron 2"));
$div2->addChildren(array($img1, $img2));
$body->setChildren(array( $h1, $div1, $div2 ));
$html->setChildren(array($head, $body));

echo $document->toHTML();
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";



<a href=""><img src="" title="DOMbasic GitHub page" alt="dombasic logo" /></a> <!--- %% dombasic logo ---> *DOMbasic. Juan José Guerra Haba - 2014 - -*


PHP package to create dynamic DOM elements. It follow the OOP paradigm, implemented SINGLETON patterns, magical methods, contains error control ('own exceptions'), chaining methods, optimized memory and resources, ...


More flexible and lighter than the native PHP. It allows you to create any document labeling: HTML, XHTML, XML, ... including any user-defined (this includes those who are yet to be implemented) that are based on hierarchies of tags, attributes and content; this You can be achieved simply by modifying the constants file specify, opening and closing tags and a couple of other modifications.

You can create complete websites that adhere to the standards validation of its structure. A tree harbor the only variable element created, this includes visible elements (BODY) and invisible (HEAD), static (HTML) and dynamic (SCRIPTS:. EG Javascript), elements and positioning structure (xHTML) or style (CSS) ...

Although there are other ways to achieve the same (text variables, other APIs, ...) This method is designed for flexibility and dynamism, performance and low resource consumption. Once you understand the mechanism and its syntax, saving time and effort, errors are minimized and DOM construction and automated cleaner is achieved. We all know the problems that can be generated when processing a Web page on the fly successive chaining 'Echo, print, ... " making sure that the headers are not sent in advance; these errors multiplied by a thousand if we use Frameworks or type CMS (Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, ...)


They have been implemented utility functions that allow us to quickly convert theDOM* tree JSON text, HTML, XML, ... and vice versa. * Maintain tight control 'Exceptions' providing much information when debugging. Classes that follow theSINGLETON* pattern. * Contains methods 'constructor' and 'destructor' to optimize memory. Methods called magical (getter, setter, unset, clone, toString, ...*). Configuration file writable for the accommodation of the basic parameters ofINI DOM*. Chaining methods [NO GETTER*]. Programming entirely within the paradigmOOP*. * ... Other utility functions.


PHP* > 4 The modules that support for readingINI,JSONandXMLfiles, must be enabled inPHP*. * Having wanted to write code. jejejejj


1. You do not require installation.

Place the pakage in the desired route by which to call to instructions 'include' or 'require'. (obviously if it's in a compressed format before DECOMPRESS) We suggest creating a folder (for example DOM) and place it inside.


Load the main input class 'DOM_element' by 'include' or some variant clause:include_once, require ...* by example: ... require(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))."/DOM/DOM_element.php"); ... After this, to creatingDOM* elements: ... $div1=new DOM_element('div1'); ... * Add attributes and properties: ... $div1->setTag("div")->id="container"; ... * Add content: ... $div1->setText("TEXT INTO 'container' DIV")->addChild($div2); ... * Print: ... echo $div1->toHTML(); ...


* The normal flow for building a Web page would be: DOCTYPE -> HTML (HEAD -> BODY).

All this would contain the entire document. (SEE EXAMPLES FOR MORE FULL SHOW)  


  No special labels or attributes element is purely the DOM representation, the element tree, the container document in full:
	  `... $document=new DOM_element('document'); ...`  
		`... $document->setTag(''); ...`  
		`...   $conf=array( "TYPE"=>"2", "DESC"=>"",
				               "OPEN_TAG_LEFT"=>"", "OPEN_TAG_RIGHT"=>"", 
				               "CLOSE_TAG_LEFT"=>"", "CLOSE_TAG_RIGHT"=>"" ); ...`  
		`... $document->setConfiguration($conf); ...`  


  This being another special element (it is an element of definition, structure and style), we should also do it using both special 
	opening tag but no closing and unnamed attributes:  
	  `... $doctype=new DOM_element("doctype"); ...`  
		`... $doctype->setTag("DOCTYPE"); ...`  
		`... $conf=array( "TYPE"=>"doctype", "DESC"=>"Tipo de Documento (DTD)",
										 "OPEN_TAG_LEFT"=>"<!", "OPEN_TAG_RIGHT"=>">", 
										 "CLOSE_TAG_LEFT"=>"", "CLOSE_TAG_RIGHT"=>"" ); ...`  
		`... $doctype->setConfiguration($conf); ...`  
		//STARTING A KEY FOR '_null' means an attribute without key (doctype)  
		`... $doctype->addAttrib("_null1", "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"); ...`  
		`... $doctype->_null2=""; //atributo asignado diréctamente ...`  
		_NOTE: Also keep in mind that not harbor any element._  


  Container of elements HEAD and BODY. Depending on the type of document to create (HTML 1.0, xHTML, HTML5, ...) 
  will implement those or other parameters:  
	  `... $html=new DOM_element('html'); ...`  
		`... $html->setTag("html"); ...`  
		`... $html->xmlns=""; ...`  


  Invisible element of page:  
	  `... $head=new DOM_element('head'); ...`  
	  `... $head->setTag("head")->addChild($title); ...`  


	Visual element of page:  
	  `... $body=new DOM_element('body'); ...`  
		`... $body->setTag("body")->addChild($div1); ...`  


  `... $html->setChildren(array($html, $body)); ...`  
  `... $document->setChildren(array($doctype, $html)); ...`  


  `... echo $document->toHTML(); ...`  


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  Accessible without login Plain text file dir_b8b0c05254529002079e2d127988077f.rtf Data Auxiliary data
  Accessible without login Plain text file dir_e1907a670304bc66b4f1610a6344eb26.rtf Data Auxiliary data
  Accessible without login Plain text file dir_f0124488be2362525b4df2685b93c743.rtf Data Auxiliary data
  Accessible without login Image file interface_d_o_m___interface.png Icon Icon image
  Accessible without login Plain text file refman.rtf Data Auxiliary data

  Files folder image Files (229)  /  examples  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file comparation.php Example example php file
  Accessible without login Plain text file example1.php Example example php file
  Accessible without login Image file img1.png Icon image to example
  Accessible without login Image file img2.png Icon example image

  Files folder image Files (229)  /  exceptions  
File Role Description
  Plain text file DOMBasicAttribNotFoundException.php Class Exception Class
  Plain text file DOMBasicAttribReadOnlyException.php Class Exception Class
  Plain text file DOMBasicAutoloadException.php Class Exception Class
  Plain text file DOMBasicElementNotFoundException.php Class Exception Class
  Plain text file DOMBasicElementReadOnlyException.php Class Exception Class
  Plain text file DOMBasicException.php Class Main Exception Class
  Plain text file DOMBasicSingletonException.php Class Exception Class
  Plain text file DOMBasicValueException.php Class Exception Class

  Files folder image Files (229)  /  util  
File Role Description
  Plain text file INI.php Class Utility Class for read/write INI Files
  Accessible without login Plain text file JsonIniXml.php Aux. Json Utility Class
  Accessible without login Plain text file Utiles.php Aux. Utility Methods

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