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Offline database synchronisation with online database: How to sync offline and online database.

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Offline database synchronisation with online database


Picture of johnson fatoba by johnson fatoba - 5 years ago (2019-09-03)

How to sync offline and online database.

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I have an offline database on my local host and I want it to update the online database every evening after daily work and if changes are made online it should sync with the offline. Thanks

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1 Recommendation

PHP MySQL Database Synchronize: Synchronize MySQL databases tables between servers

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Zacchaeus Bolaji by Zacchaeus Bolaji Reputation 75 - 4 years ago (2019-10-11) Comment

This package can synchronize MySQL databases tables between servers.

You just need to set up a cron job to run the script every evening as you want.

Recommend package